Our Campaigns and Accomplishments in 2024
Animals Now celebrates 30 and concludes another year of action for the animals: promoting animal rights online and in the field, lectures to tens of thousands of students, groundbreaking initiatives in public cafeterias and much more.
Our Campaigns and Accomplishments in 2023
Animals Now conclude another year fighting for animal rights: Rescuing animals from conflict zones and bringing hot vegan meals to thousands of people during the war; Promoting animal rights online, in schools, and on the ground; Advocating for animals in government and more.
Do Animals Dream?
Many of us often find ourselves wondering what our beloved animals may be dreaming of, when they twitch, snuffle, and even call in their sleep. Is our elderly lap-cat dreaming they are a ferocious lion prowling the savannah, is the dog we share our house with dreaming of the forests and streams we explored together…
Do Fish Feel Pain? And How Do We Know?
For many of us, the answer to the question “do fish feel pain?” might seem obvious. But this question sparked heated debate in the scientific community for years, until relatively recently. However, about 15 years ago, a series of highly sophisticated experiments were published, and according to most biologists the results settle the debate once…
Is this really “the world’s ugliest animal”?
In an internet poll, the blobfish was crowned “the world’s ugliest animal”. The context was actually positive, by and large: an attempt to publicize the importance of protecting all animals, even the less photogenic, cute or typically beloved – and even those that we perceive as “ugly”. Since then, the blobfish has become a cultural…
Our Campaigns and Accomplishments in 2022
Another year fighting for animal rights: convincing corporate giants to go cage-free, speaking up for animals in Parliament, the media, the UN, and much more!
Our Victory for the Chickens: Israel Bans Cages in the Egg Industry
After a long fight, on a sunny summer’s afternoon, 06.20.22 to be precise, a parliamentary committee in Israel approved historic regulations that ban cages for chickens in the egg industry. This is an achievement we’re very proud of at Animals Now, and it’s worth reflecting on how we got here. But first, although cage-free is…
Our Campaigns and Accomplishments in 2021
Animals Now continued standing up for animals in 2021, with investigations broadcast in the national news, intensive activity in parliament, lectures to thousands of people and more…
How did we make Israel the first country in the world to ban the fur trade?
The domino effect of the fight against fur around the world is now unmistakable. In recent weeks we have seen other EU countries ban fur farming. At the same time, more and more fashion chains around the world continue to announce an end to the use of fur in their products. There is no doubt that we are now making real progress in the fight for animals in the fur industry, and the clothing industry in general.
Our Campaigns and Accomplishments in 2020
Animals Now comes to the end of a year of intensive work: A year where Challenge 22 exceeded half a million participants, where we reached 20,000 students and adults with our educational program and hosted workshops for a thousand educators, advocated in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) and the courts, and our content reached millions of views on social media. We’re proud to present just a handful of our achievements this year, across our main projects.